My first Blog Post:

Turns out, if you want to make money online, you actually have to BE online.

I bought this domain many years ago when I got exposed to the “Location Independent” lifestyle. It was 2016, and I decided to join my uncle in one of his adventures and backpack through South East Asia; hopping through Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Indonesia. Throughout our whole six and a half week journey, he’d set aside a couple minutes every other day or handful of days to work on an article or blog post. I was busy taking it all in… I’d be jumping from one temple to the other, tasting the local cuisine, rating coffee shops, and ultimately burning through my money… all the while, he’s setting up a post that’s going to literally pay him to travel. (You can check his work out over at GloboTreks)

Sunrise in Siam Reap, Cambodia - 2016

Like many people do, once I figured out the name of the game I let that initial bug of any wantrepreneurial journey take my ass to YouTube where I decided I was going to be an entrepreneur and “digital nomad.”

I sat down bought this domain, looked up video after video of blogging and having a digital presence. I began following Pat Flynn at Smart Passive Income, read Chris Guillebeau’s “$100 Start Up” and then…


I did nothing.

I couldn’t wrap my head around (or really chose not to get through the initial resistance of) word press and like may others like me, I moved on to the next shiny “opportunity.”

I moved on to Youtube, Twitch, Instagram, Crypto, etc…

I’ve been chasing shiny objects for the last 8 years. Meanwhile, I never really gave anything an honest shot.

I’m now, thirty and dreading my 9-5. I sit at work all day daydreaming about being that guy at a coffee shop on a Tuesday morning, being greeted with my usual pastry and cappuccino. I daydream about joking around with the barista and wait staff about whatever “silly” projects I’m working on. I long to be the guy who goes to bed excited about what tomorrow will bring.

As I type this, I’m taking a small step to becoming that guy.

I have zero idea where to take this blog, but I’ve decided that figuring it out is going to be the fun part.

My goal this year is to begin making money online, with the hopes of hitting a conservative goal of $500 a month. That’s essentially my full car payment ( car, gas, and insurance.)

Like I said, if you want to make money online, you have to actually be online.

Feel free to follow the journey by signing up down below or follow me on X (fka Twitter).

I promise I won’t spam, mostly cause I don’t know anything about newsletter yet, haha.

Thank you for dropping by & I’ll talk to you again soon.

- Joshua Pagan | March 31st, 2024


The Futurist’s Dilema: