The Futurist’s Dilema:

Astronauts Sitting on the Sand - RDNE Stock project,

For the longest time I’ve considered myself a bit futurist.

I enjoy talking about the latest advancements in technology and design with my friends, and while I often get a bit of an eye roll and a little grin, I’ve been blessed with friends and a partner who’ll hear me out and indulge my random rants and shiny object syndrome.

However, I’ve noticed a bit of a saddening trend in people’s general outlook of the future.

While I’ve always looked towards the future with a cautious sense of optimism, most of my peers and overall populous have taken up a pessimistic point of view.

I’m not ignorant as to why. It’s just that while I’m struggling along with most in today’s society, I genuinely believe that good things are coming.

This leads me to the Futurist’s Dilema:

How can we share our visions and foster a sense of cautious optimism for tomorrow?

The idea isn’t to ignore the woes that we all currently face, but how do we inspire others to work (individually or en mass) towards a better tomorrow?

I’m afraid I don’t have a concrete, silver-bullet answer, but I do see it as with any personal issue we face.

In order to change, we have to acknowledge that our way of going about things to this point has been, at the very least, flawed.

We have to perceive the actions and behaviours that have gotten us this far, and begin tweaking them little by little to correct course and inch us towards new ground.

I think, that in order for us to begin seeing even a slight degree of optimism for tomorrow, we have to speak about a positive tomorrow.

We have to plant the idea, that just because today may be bleak, tomorrow doesn’t have to be.

How do you feel about tomorrow?

Please, feel free to share with me any visions of the future you may have down below. Positive or otherwise.

Joshua Pagan | 04/07/2024


Wheel of Life Analysis


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